
Hi, I’m Blair. After a years-long career in the equestrian industry, I found myself craving a change. The day I took my first Pilates session I knew I had finally discovered what that change was. My body was feeling stronger than ever, the residual pain from a past spinal injury was becoming less and less, but most importantly I felt like I was having fun. Whether it was learning a brand new exercise or finding a deeper understanding for the exercises I had already been performing, each session filled me with a newfound sense of accomplishment. For the first time in my life I had found a form of exercise that I was excited about doing and wanted to stay consistent with.

As my passion for Pilates continued to grow, obtaining my certification was a natural progression. I knew I wanted to share this life changing work with the community around me. These last several years of immersing myself into the world of Pilates as both student and teacher have given me strength, balance, and confidence, not just physically, but mentally as well. It is with great excitement that I am now able to continue passing along this work through the doors of my own space. My hope is that through mindful movement, Pilates will bring your life some of the zest it has brought to mine.

“A man is as young as his spinal column.” - Joe Pilates